We are in the midst of an early heat wave here in Philly and I am LOVING it. I've always been a sun baby and do not mind the hazy days of summer one bit. So these few days of sunshine and 90 degrees have been glorious. I did some gardening, made dinner on the grill. DH says I'm going to eat my words come August and he may be right, but right now I'm getting my summer on.
This also means summer clothes and I am sporting some of my recent maternity wear purchases. Not that I love any of my maternity clothes -- it's hard to really feel affection for anything that makes you look like a tent -- but new clothes are new clothes! And sans jacket it's becoming obvious to the world that yes, I'm pregnant. A few neighbors were clued in this weekend, as were some of the regulars on the commuter train. I love watching their faces as they do their normal smile and nod and then get an eyeful of my stomach. Surprise!
In nursery news, we have serious progress, but no pics. Sorry! The painting is done and the furniture arrived and it is gorgeous. But DH accidently spilled about a half gallon of paint all over the carpet and has now decided we will be pulling up the carpet and refinishing the hardwoods underneath. It's gonna be stunning, although it certianly wasn't in the plan or budget. Oh wells. The refinishers are coming on Thursday so this weekend all the furniture will be moved back in and it will start looking like a real baby's room. :)
Other than that, things are still good. Lil G is kicking like mad and growing every day. Some days it feels like he's going to bust out of there by his own sheer will. I feel so full of baby already I wonder how I'm going to make it three more months! Still very emotional too. I went to two Wendy's on Saturday in search of my beloved Frosty. At the first place the machine was broken, at the second the restaurant was closed. So I did what any right-minded woman would do and went home, threw a temper tantrum, and cried on the couch for two hours, refusing to eat anything else.
And finally, here's another belly shot. 24 week bump....