Wednesday, April 15, 2009

22 weeks!

Another week down, 18 more to go.

Lil G is getting more active every day. Aside from his scheduled naps, he is usually saying hello on a regular basis. He's getting higher, too -- I am scared at how close he is already getting to my ribs!

We celebrated Easter this weekend with my family -- all my dad's side came down which was nice since I cannot remember the last time we were all under one roof. Lil G got lots of pats and love. In fact, my dear brothers and cousins, ages 13 to 24, banded together to come up with a list of potential names for the little man. Some of the best: Happy, Barnabus, Jafar, Romulous, and T-law (my husband's name backwards -- perfect if the babe decides to become a rapper). The list was about 20 strong and I was seriously laughing so hard I was crying. Sadly, I don't think Lil G will be adopting any of those monikers soon.

This past weekend also marked the arrival of some adorable baby gear -- cute onsies from dear GPers sauma and ilovejav (thanks again girls -- mwah!) and the kiddo's first Phillies shirt, direct from Clearwater where my FIL and BIL were recently.

Me? I'm doing well. I really cannot complain. My shins and hips have begun to hurt towards the end of the day. And the acne is seeming to come back. But I still have energy and feel pretty good. Let's keep this up! :)


L said...

Yay for 22 weeks!!
Glad to hear all is going well!

Lindsay said...

YAY! I'm glad things are going well!