It's hard to believe Henry will be 3 weeks tomorrow! It's been a crazy few weeks, but the little guy is amazing and honestly seems to get cuter and brighter every day.
Here's a few pics from his last day in the hospital to yesterday...he's getting so big so quickly!
I thankfully have something nearly every weekend between now and Lil G's due date to occupy me. Here we go!
May 23/24: Memorial Day holiday, Great Grandma's 100th Birthday Celebration
May 30/31: Much needed facial, second anniversary dinner with the hubs
June 6/7: Spa outing with Mom, my shower!
June 13/14: Summer BBQ with friends
June 20/21: Cousin's grad party, new car shopping
June 27/28: Maternity photo shoot
July 4/5: Independence Day holiday
July 11/12: DH's work summer party
July 18/19 on....still working on distractions!
The Princess...for now ;)
AKA Fredo, the doxie pup
The Journey So Far...
1/05: We meet, as fate would have it, on the train home from work. After a week of chatting, he tricks me into asking him out.
7/05: Fourth of July weekend, his condo catches on fire. Displaced for 6 months for construction, he comes to live with me.
1/06: We move into the condo, officially now "our" place.
6/06: He proposes during a rained out trip to the shore. Yes!
6/07: Exactly one year to the day, we get married. Woot!
10/07: After multiple doctor visits, blood tests and two ER trips, I'm finally diagnosed with Gallbladder Disease. Two surgeries later, we are told BCP was probably to blame. As this isn't my first showdown with BCP side effects, the pills find their way to the trash bin.
11/07: We purchase our house and move in. We get robbed in the process, but hey, what can ya do?
6/08: Our one year anniversary, and we decide to toss all forms of BC and let what happens, happen.
9/08: With irregular cycles and a 60-day annovulatory in the midst, I head to my first fertility appointment. Bloodwork shows a possible PCOS diagnosis. Without enough information to do much more, we forge ahead in confusion.
12/08: It's a BFP! We are now anxiously (an a little cautiously) waiting for Lil G!
i am in love- he is soo cute, that head of hair slays me
I can't get enough of him! Seriously SO cute!!!
Look at that precious head of hair!!
Hey Mel, I haven't been around in a long time, but wanted to say congrats! He's gorgeous!
OMG he is just ridiculously gorgeous!!
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