Saturday, January 31, 2009

It's a DAB

That's right. A Dancing Alien Baby. :)

We had our NT Scan yesterday morning, and got to see how much Lil G has grown in just a few short weeks. Once just a fuzzy little gummy bear, the baby is now, well, a baby! We saw little arms and legs, little fingers, too.

It seems that Lil G is quite the dancer, and was showing off his fliest moves while the poor U/S tech was trying to measure his/her neck. She kept poking my stomach with the transistor saying, "Cooperate, baby!" But Lil G kept doing the wave and the twist. That's so my child. Already sticking it to the man.

The baby was also measuring ahead a bit...while I was about 11 weeks, 2 days according to my doctor's calculations, the scan was measuring the baby as large as 12 weeks. Keep on growing!

We printed out photos of Lil G to give to our parents with their shirts today, complete with thought bubbles like "Spoil me!" Pretty darn cute.


ilovejav said...

I am in love with this u/s pic!! Look at how big!!:) I am so happy for you.

Lindsay said...

OMG, so cute!

L said...

awwwww your baby looks so cute!
We'll have to bump bellies soon:)